Write Better, Faster: How To Triple Your Writin...
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As you build your writing habit, Aaron suggests tracking where, when, and how much you write, to help determine your productivity patterns. She also advises taking time to visualize what you want your scene to accomplish prior to writing to help eliminate any unproductive sessions.
She also strongly suggests tracking your progress (word count tracker, daily diary) as a way to celebrate your wins, reinforce your efforts, and spur momentum through a visual representation of your progress. Similarly, solidify your commitment by enlisting a fellow writer as an accountability partner. This will keep you honest about the promise you've made to yourself and give you a supportive sounding board. Lastly, Yardley notes it is important to reward yourself for even the smallest success and build time into your schedule for rest and replenishment.
Lastly, engage in writing sprints. These are short intervals of concentrated effort, anywhere from three to thirty minutes, where participants are expected to write nonstop. These sessions are often done in groups to create a sense of friendly competition and inspire you to push for higher numbers during subsequent sprints. Plus, being part of an artistic community has the added benefit of reinforcing your author mindset.
When I began as a copywriter, I copied some of the best sales letters out there. In fact, copywriting legend Gary Halbert recommended you not just copy these pages, but actually write them out by hand to ensure the good writing gets into your bones. (He actually used that phrase; no wonder they called him the Prince of Print.)
As a blogger, your primary task will be writing posts. As long as you keep the quality up, and target good keywords, the more posts you make the better. Learning how to write faster should be high on your priority list.
Writing a quick outline is a great way to write blog posts faster, and write better in general. Outlines are a good way to get an overview of your posts and make sure you include the information you want in your article.
If you can think 200 words per minute (probably a very low estimate) and only write 40 words per minute, doubling, tripling, or even quadrupling your thinking speed will not help you write more or write faster (although it could theoretically help you plan, plot and create outlines faster).
- The 4-step framework that Monica used to reach speeds of 3500+ new fiction words per hour- The tracking systems you need to double or triple your writing speed in the next couple months- The killer 4-step pre-production method Monica uses to combat writer's block, no matter what the project is!- The secrets to developing a daily writing habit that other authors don't talk about enough- How Monica went from publishing only one book per year from 2009-2013, to publishing 8 books in a single year in 2014
Once you get used to these movements, try to implement them as you write on paper, while making sure to keep the technical guidelines in mind, and to check up on your technique from time to time as you write.
You can increase your handwriting speed by making a few simple modifications to your handwriting style, and specifically by simplifying the way you write the letters. This means that you should try to get rid of excessive marks and styling, as long as omitting them has no impact on the legibility of your writing.
Shorthand writing systems use various unique symbols, which can replace letters, common letter combinations, sounds, or frequently-used words, in order to save time as you write. You can either learn an existing shorthand system, or develop your own. Commonly used shorthand variants include Gregg, Pitman, and Teeline.
If you know you need thirty-minute increments, block them out accordingly. If you know you write better for four straight hours, block it out. The fun thing is you can also color-code your calendar. Add all the colors to all the calendars!
The simple lesson is to write how you talk. When you are writing naturally, you will write faster. If you are trying to write in a foreign way, your brain will not understand the process.
Knowing you have to cook or do dishes is another thing on your todo list that takes up your time. Take a Sunday, prepare out your meals for the week and voila! You have officially freed up time to write faster. After all, preparation is everything.
This strategy is ideal for those who struggle to find long stretches of time to write during the day. A 15-minute word sprint in the morning and another in the evening will see you making substantial progress with your book.
As an author, that means creating a system of smaller goals and rewards for your daily writing sessions. For example, if you write 300 words in a day, you get to watch an episode of whatever show you're in the middle of. If you do it for six days in a row, you buy yourself a new book. When you finish a whole chapter, treat yourself to a nice dinner out!
To better visualize your progress, you can use our Reedsy Book Editor, a free writing app that will automatically calculate and display your daily word count. You can also set friendly email reminders that nudge you to write in case you fall back on your set goals.
One of the reasons writers experience writer's block is because they try to think through a scene while also writing it, which can break their creative flow. If this sounds like you, try visualizing a passage in your head for a few minutes before you jot it down.
Think through the scene like it's a movie playing in your head: imagine the characters' sensory experiences, thought processes, and dialogue. Once the narration is clear in your head, put it into words. Not only will you write faster, but also with greater excitement about the story itself!
Consider making a ritual of sorts around the session. You can do this by listening to a specific playlist, relocating to a different part of the house or going to a café, or preparing food or a drink to go with it. All of this helps get you in the zone and prepares your mind to write.
Remember in school when teachers forced you to write outlines before you got started on the piece itself There was a reason for that. Outlines make you a better writer by helping you organize your thoughts in advance, preventing you from rambling or writing incoherently.
Are you a perfectionist So many of us are. That said, forcing yourself to write flawlessly and agonizing over mistakes is a great way to slow down your writing speed. While disabling spell check is powerful, internal voices can do more harm than even spell check.
When you self-edit writing as you go along, you begin questioning yourself and your process. This slows you down tremendously. Each time you get the urge to self-correct, take a deep breath, let it go, and keep writing. The more you force yourself not to be a perfectionist as you write, the easier it becomes to remain in your flow state.
In the freelance writing realm, the faster you write, the more money you make. Most content writing gigs are paid out per article, and the payout is usually determined on a per-word basis. The more words you can complete in a quicker time frame, the higher your pay per hour becomes.
I know this heading is vague, but it has multiple meanings when it comes to how to write fast and neat for clients. Ultimately, the point is that if you become a specialist in certain industries, clients or content types, you can reduce the amount of research, back and forth, client headaches and general mayhem in your professional writing. This ultimately leads to quicker writing and higher pay. Here are some specific examples:
Finding your focus has less to do with centering your chi and more to do with coming up with a topic to write about. Sure, you could do an open online search of your keywords and see if something interesting pops up, but I guarantee that if you take that approach, you will still be researching after 30 minutes (unless you have more control than I do). Researching can be very interesting, but without a focus, you can easily find yourself reading an enthralling article about celebrities and the people they used to date.
Whether you are writing a blog post, an SEO article, or the next great American novel, do yourself a favor and create an outline. This should be done while you are researching. Having a basic structure to work from keeps you from mindlessly staring at a blank screen. Every writer attacks the outline in an individual way, but a common trick is to write the headings and then fill them in.
So unlike using tips, learning and mastering writing techniques improve your skills as a writer. They take a bit more practice and investment of time and energy, but they also pay off with significant, longer-term improvements (making you a better, faster writer.)
Setting yourself up to write is a bit like setting yourself up to cook a stew. If the vegetables are all cut up in advance you can put the thing together much quicker. All writing will rely on some data, analysis and thinking to be done in advance and organised in a useful way.
Our Expert Agrees: You will write faster and easier when you know what to put down before you get started instead of making it up as you go along. If you have 30 minutes to write an essay, try giving yourself seven to eight minutes of planning time.
Psychology professor Dr. Gail Matthews, at the Dominican University in California, led a study on goal-setting with nearly 270 participants. The results You are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down.
Handwriting proficiency is achieved only with practice. Apart from enjoying your parenting years, be aware that you can mould your child only during the formative years. The more your child writes, the better he will get at it. Many reasons contribute towards slow writing, such as the incorrect position of the paper, wrong posture, the incorrect grip of the pencil, etc. Writing, which is a key part of education and an important form of communication, can be honed and improved by following systematic steps and engaging the child in fun activities and daily writing sessions. 59ce067264
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